First Sunday Worship with Holy Communion

We Gather at God's Inviation

God is the one who invites us to gather to worship. God is the focal point of all worship.

We begin with a Call to Worship, an Opening Prayer, and a Hymn of Praise.

We Listen to God's Word

We listen as scripture is read and God's word is proclaimed.

Our sermons are typically no longer than 20 minutes.

We Respond to God's Word

We respond to God's word through confession, an offering

(this involves giving of our lives to God as well as a financial offering),

the Prayer of Great Thanksgiving,  and receiving Holy Communion.

We Go With God Into the World

We sing a hymn before a benediction or

 or words of sending are offered.

Then, we go into the world to serve God.

Worship without Holy Communion

We Gather at God's Inviation

God is the one who invites us to gather to worship. God is the focal point of all worship.

We begin with a Call to Worship, a Hymn of Praise, an Opening Prayer, and special music.

Special music is sung by the choir or may be a solo sung with accompaniment by our pianist

or a music track for more contemporary selections.

We Listen to God's Word

We listen as scripture is read and God's word is proclaimed.

Our sermons are typically no longer than 20 minutes.

We Respond to God's Word

We respond to God's word by singing a hymn,

professing our faith, praying, and giving an offering.

During the offering we offer our lives as well as a financial offering.

We Go With God Into the World

We sing a hymn before a final benediciton or

words of sending are offered.

Special Services

Hanging of the Greens

Come join us on the evening of the First Sunday of Advent (4 Sundays before Christmas)

to hear scriptures, sing hymns/carols, and hear about why we decorate

with cedar, holly, ivy, evergreen wreaths, and a lit Chrismon Tree.

This is a great way to begin preparing for Christmas.

Longest Night Service

If the holiday season is a difficult time, this service may be just what you need.

Come without the expectation of being holly and jolly.

This service is designed as an opportunity for those who are grieving or struggling with the season

to let go of their burdens and claim the hope and peace that the Christ Child offers us.

This service takes place on the longest night, the darkest day of the calendar year - December 21.

Christmas Eve Candlelight and Communion

On Christmas Eve, we gather to hear the Gospel proclaimed by Luke 2,

receive Holy Communion, and sing Silent Night by candlelight.

Ash Wednesday

The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday.

On this day, we remember our mortality and need for God's grace

with the mark of an ashen cross on our foreheads.

After this solemn servie, we leave in silence and

start our Lenten discipline.

Palm/Passion Sunday

On the Sunday before Easter,

we remember Jesus entry into Jerusalem

with palm branches and his journey to the Cross.

Maundy Thursday

Maundy refers to the Latin for "mandate".

On the Thursday before Easter, we remember Jesus

washed his disciples feet, commanded them to love one another, and shared a last meal.

We receive Holy Communion and prepare our hearts for Good Friday as the altar is stripped.

All Saints Sunday

On the first Sunday of November, we remember all the Saints who have gone before us.

There is the opportunity to remember the saints of your life

by writing their names in a book and placing bells on a banner.

The names of the saints from our congregation who died within the past year

are read alound in worship as a candle is lit and a bell rung in their memory.

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